The Zapata subdivision is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the members of the Zapata Homeowners Association (ZHA). Governing documents for the ZHA are the covenants (and associated plat map), by-laws, polices, and both residential and commercial architectural guidelines. It is important that you familiarize yourself with ZHA governing documents. As well, it’s recommended that property owners and guests periodically review current policies as additions and updates are made on a regular basis. The ZHA is governed by Colorado State statutes and Alamosa County regulations.
Protective Covenants (1975)
Full legal definition of covenants, 1975 version.
(Updated April 10, 1975)
Protective Covenants (1981)
Full legal definition of covenants as written in 1981.
(Updated June 17, 2009)
2014 Bylaws
Zapata Homeowners Association bylaws, defining organizational structure and rules. Revised August 2014.
(Updated August 2014)
Governing Documents
2020-2021 ZHA MissionStatement
It is the desire and intent of the Board to interpret the spirit, keeping in mind the letter, of the governing documents as they apply to the needs and character of our past, present, and future rural, mountain community.
(Updated September 2, 2021)
Articles of Incorporation (1981)
The original Articles of Incorporation written in the creation of the Zapata Homeowners Association.
(Updated August 25, 1981)
Enforcement of Governing Documents
To preserve and promote harmony, public safety, and the natural beauty of the subdivision by enforcing the governing documents of the ZHA.
(Updated May 12, 2009)
Senate Bill 05-100
NOTE: This bill has been prepared for the signature of the appropriate legislative officers and the Governor. To determine whether the Governor has signed the bill or taken other action on it, please consult the legislative status sheet, the legislative history, or the Session Laws.
(Updated July 1, 2009)
Senate Bill 06-89
NOTE: This bill has been prepared for the signature of the appropriate legislative officers and the Governor. To determine whether the Governor has signed the bill or taken other action on it, please consult the legislative status sheet, the legislative history, or the Session Laws.
(Updated July 1, 2009)
State HOA Rules
Before You Purchase in an HOA
Buying a home is a huge decision and investment, therefore it is important that you know some of the implications of buying in a particular HOA.
(Updated December 12, 2012)
How to Handle HOA Disputes
Most HOA residents have some sort of issue with their association. Most often a lack of communication is the primary cause for disputes.
(Updated December 12, 2012)
HOA Covenant & Rule Enforcement
One of the key features of a Homeowners Association (HOA) is that they are covenant controlled communities. Covenants and rules provide a mechanism to ensure architectural conformity, aesthetic integrity, and uniform enforcement.
(Updated December 12, 2012)
Commercial Architectural Guidelines
Architectural Requirements and Guidelines for Zapata Subdivision Commercial Sites
(Updated December 5, 2016)
Residential Architectural Guidelines and Forms
Architectural Requirements and Guidelines for Zapata Residential Sites
(Updated December 5, 2016)
Well Permit Application
RESIDENTIAL Water Well Permit Application
Residential Well Permit
Change in Owner Name/Address
Change in owner name/address correction of the well location
Policies & Rules
ZHA Policy Index
Zapata Homeowners Association Policy Index
(Updated December 28, 2023)
The court-approved plan that guarantees available water resources now and well into the future.
(Updated September 19, 2008)
ZHA board meetings are held six times per year: in August, September, November, February, May and June. Unless alternative arrangements are announced due to unusual circumstances, meetings are held on the third Friday of the month, starting at 5:30 pm, at the Mosca Community Building located next to United Methodist Church, 8890 Lane 4, Mosca CO 81146. All ZHA members are welcome to the meeting and encouraged to attend.
In addition to monthly board meetings, the ZHA conducts an annual meeting on the first Saturday in August. Notification of date and location is provided by mail as well as posted on our Calendar on this web site. Prior to the start of each annual meeting, the board conducts a “new member orientation session”. Details of the time for the orientation will be included in the annual meeting notice, and all new members are encouraged to attend.
Communication with members is done through several means.
The website provides current information on the happenings around the Zapata and activities of the governing board and committees.
A newsletter is sent to the membership twice per year via US mail and is also posted on this website.
A bulletin board is located at the entrance to the subdivision next to the community’s mailboxes. One side of the bulletin board is used to post board meetings (agendas, etc.), the other side is for useful local information for our members.
Finally, there is no better, up-to-date way to learn about what is happening at the Zapata than to attend a board meeting and/or join a committee of personal interest to you.
The ZHA has several committees that are made up of volunteers from the membership. Committee information can be found on the website. If you are interested in joining a committee, please contact the ZHA Administrator or a board member.