Work has begun removing dead fir trees that have been killed by bark beetles over the past year or longer.…
Author: T O
Web design, search optimization, web server hosting since 1995. Photographer and imaging professional since 1984.
Protected: October 27, 2023 Communications Committee Meeting
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Protected: September 14, 2023 Budget Committee Meeting
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Power Outage Scheduled: Monday, August 28, 9-3 pm
A planned power outage is scheduled for Monday, August 28 between the hours of 9am to 3pm to connect the…
August 2023 Work Day a Success!
The August 19, 2023 volunteer work day turned out to be top-notch thanks to a turnout of several community regulars…
Homeowners’ Association Task Force Created
Dear Homeowner, A Homeowners’ Association Task Force has been created by the recent passing of House Bill 23-1105 to study…
Annual Clean-Up Day
Huge shout-out to Saturday October 29, 2022 Clean-up Day crew – Bonnie White, Tom Benner, Mark Seaton, Kenneth J. McEachern,…