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Metal Recycling Truck Now Available

Picture of Joe's truck now used for metal recycling
Joe’s truck parked at the UPS drop box for metal disposal.

Zapata residents can now recycle their metal waste in the back of Joe F’s big yellow truck that’s now parked at the UPS/FedEx drop box location on Willow Place, right off Lake of the Falls Blvd.

Tires, wheels, old appliances and such are all OK to discard.


The truck’s bed is fairly high off the ground so it would be a good idea to bring a step ladder with you to help load or get up into the truck’s dump bed to move heavier things towards the cab of the truck. Many thanks to Joe for donating the use of his truck!

P.S.: Don’t forget to offer anything unneeded but still potentially useful to another resident by posting it in our classifieds section. It’s FREE to post!