
Online Safety
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Welcome to the Zapata homeowner member discussion forum. This is the place to discuss and share just about anything with other Zapata HOA community members. Please respect your neighbors by refraining from posting anything you wouldn't want to be said about you.

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Online Safety

With the very recent, enthusiastic implementation of AI (computer generated Artificial Intelligence) by several tech giants, discussion about it's implementation is an increasingly hot topic. Discussion about AI, free email services and social networking platforms becomes increasingly important for everyone to help increase their vigilance in how they use the Internet. For example, if any individual user thinks that "FREE" email services like Gmail or social networking sites like Facebook are fully secure, they are unfortunately, sadly mistaken. Billions of people jumped on the Google bandwagon to take advantage of getting such a phenomenally "great deal". Of course, Google, Yahoo and myriad other free email providers have to make money to own, operate and continuously service the vast networks of servers required to provide such "FREE" email services. Seems like benevolence in the extreme, doesn't it?

So, what's in it for them? How do free services that require multi-millions of dollars worth of server hardware, software, electric power, and human resources get funded in order to provide all of it while simultaneously making billions of dollars? Well, it only requires a brief moment of common-sense-level thinking which invariably arrives at this most logical of all possible conclusions:

    Nobody ever became a billionaire by giving something away.

According to researchers the answer is simple. In exchange for providing the allegedly free service YOU become the commodity that is sold to fund use of their "FREE" services. Truth be known, everything you do online is being continuously monitored and updated. Of course, some monitoring is necessary for web server function, all else is digital gravy for those who would monetize what you do online. Without taking time to ensure your personal information is secure, all personal data is being retained in the form of a digital dossier on you that is then sold to advertisers and other entities you may or may not approve of.

This forum topic is where you can learn more about and share your experiences using email, texting, and the Internet in general. The topic's intent is to have community members become much better at protecting themselves from digital intrusions into their private lives and help them be safer every time they go online.

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