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Welcome to the Zapata homeowner member discussion forum. This is the place to discuss and share just about anything with other Zapata HOA community members. Please respect your neighbors by refraining from posting anything you wouldn't want to be said about you.

Be a friend; be friendly!


To participate in our private community forum you must first register to open an account. Only one account is allowed per household as the forum is also tied to the polling software where each household gets one vote. (If members of your household have opposite opinions about a topic do the democratic thing: compromise, reach a consensus, then vote.) Here are the Forum Rules.

Please Note: If you're new to posting on our forums, please remember that your first few posts will be read by a forum moderator before it is made visible to other members. This is the forum default designed to prevent abuse. After you've participated for a while your new post will appear automatically. New topics will also require moderator approval before they are posted.

For technical support contact the ZHA administrator at or call:  719-589-6770

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Who is watching you, tracking you and selling your personal data?

By T O 4 months ago  |  Last Post: 7 days ago